
This sounds brilliant / ridiculous / a mad scheme etc, can I get involved?

Yes you can! We’re asking everyone who is thinking of coming over to let us know - you can email us or fill out the form, which will have a few details to help us plan.

I want to come but DEFINITELY not for the whole week - my liver can’t handle that!

That’s totally ok - we definitely don’t expect people to give up a whole week to come and be with us. It would be lovely to see you all for even a day. Or send us a photo of you drinking a dram, we’ll pretend you’re on Islay!

Do I need to bring a 1989 whisky?

Nope, but if you have one, feel free to bring it along!

Do I need to come to all the events while i’m on islay?

Not at all, you can join in as much or as little as you like. We’re probably not going to have 24/7 parties planned (definitely not as the week goes on) and it is a holiday after all, so take your time and use it as you see fit!

How much will the events cost?

We’ll let you know the prices and numbers of spaces we have for each event. Some events may require a deposit payment - this depends on what the distilleries are offering us. Keep an eye out for event updates and news on the blog posts on the site.

What about food? Eating is important!

Eating is very important! We’ll have a couple of food based events (to mix it up a bit) and Jess will probably be baking in between this so we’re definitely thinking about it! We love the Peatzeria and it goes without saying we’ll be eating at the Ballygrant Inn on the days when cooking seems too much like hard work. There may even be a cheeky afternoon tea at the Machrie (their scones are excellent).

Did we miss anything? get in touch!

You can drop us an email or use the contact us form.