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Celebrating turning 30 on Islay
30 whiskies, 1 week
What’s the worst that could happen?

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Turning 30

To most people, turning 30 is a mile stone to be marked. Some of our friends have gone abroad, bought a house or a car or had big parties. Others have refused to acknowledge the passing of time and pretended it wasn’t happening!

We both love whisky and knew it had to be involved somewhere. Then on one of trips to Islay, an idea was hatched…



Islay; a small rugged island off the west coast of Scotland with a population of just over 3,000 people. Yet there are 9 (and counting) distilleries, earning the island a mecca-like status for whisky fans.

Every year the island hosts the Feis Ile - a celebration of whisky, music and island life. Thousands of whisky fans head over and celebrate together. We’ve been fans for a long time and hope that we can bring a little of this to our birthday celebrations!


What birthday plans do you have? I’ve had a really good idea…

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